this is frog of level 4 and shadowlight !!! (we are now cooperated) hi , all my friends , foes and slaves around the world ! here i am with my new intro . at first this intro should have been just a replay routine for the st , including the possibility of displaying text .[[[[[[<[[[<<[[[[>>[[[>[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ so i started coding i opened the graphics.library (ugh it is closed !) and designed the nice (!) scroll in the middle 2(steer it with you joystick ... no ! not t h a t stick !!) . i looked at the screen and i saw it was black . i said : light - and there were some colors ... i said : water - and there was a waving level 4 logo ... then i said : work - and mms finished the intro (of kurz only a shock) credits : all coding byݽ frog of l4 , muzak by frog of l4 (3d dance (c) by trans-x) , scrolltext by frog ° (the frog - frosch des grauens) , colors by frog (federal republic of germany - frog) , graphics by swo , unnecessary advice by mms/l4 , null bock by spezi/l4 and ice by mcs/l4 (sorry , that i did not name you , jpn . therefore : goİod muzaks °by jpn/l4) eh people ! i am tired of inserting stupid effects into this text ! now i will send some greetings to various persons haunting my mind : i greet : all people who want to donate me a synthesizer or even a keyboard , >frog> of >d.o.c> (}}}) , c. hochlaender> (for beating me up) , [heike[ (for not having seen her for half a year) , [mcs/l4[ (for spending me an ice) , onkel peter> (den es gar nicht gibt) , }}}>) , >arno s.> (for using a lipstick (!!)) ..... i could have greeted many persons more , but i have no bock ! so , this text restarts !!!